Tänker skriva vissa inlägg på engelska! :D
Hello everybody! How are you?
I dont like english so much becoause I am not so good at it. But I thinked, if I whrite maby 1, 2 or 3 inlägg / week I maby will learn some more english and be better at it! :D A good idea, I think! What do you think about it?
Anyway, my day today was really good. I stay home from school today ( like yesterday). Or, I don't stay "home". I was whit my grandma and gradfar at ther home. It was really nice. I did some homework and me and grandma baked. We baked marenger and grandmabred. I love grandma bred! It's baugetter but it is'nt just baugetter, it is grandmas baugetter! :D
Tomorrow i will go to school. I miss my friends but not the schoolwork, haah! :D But, it is just three days left to the wekeend! So, it is'nt so hard!
But, now i shall go.
Bye, Bye! :D
Sv: Nej, det är inte så svårt när man vant sig ! ;) <3
Saknat dig också!
Haha, okej! =) TAck så jättemycket!
JAg lägger till dig nu! =)
hehe , smart ;)
Kul idé, några stavfel med det är bra med övning! <333